After Support


  • Extra 4 1:1 Sessions with Steve

    Many students want periodic 1:1 calls with Steve in order to feel confident that they are on track and making the progress they are hoping for. 
    The most economical way to do that is to register for the accelerated course. With this option, your teen can schedule four 1:1 strategy sessions with Steve at any time they choose. 
    Often teens request the first of these strategy sessions a month or after the weekly sessions end, so they can discuss the progress of the impact project, or to ask strategic questions about something else. 
    Accelerated students are able to move faster and be confident that they are exactly on track by being able to meet with Steve when they choose to do so. 
    + Every feature of the Live Cohort
    • Phase 1

      In phase 1, you will discover your core values-- what is most important to you? Why do certain things make you sad, or angry, or bring you joy? What kind of legacy do you want to be known for? Who are you at your core? 
      Clarifying your core values will empower you to make choices that align with your core values, so that you can recharge your batteries and stay charged. From this state, you'll find you are more curious, more engaged, you enjoy life more, and you are able to accomplish much, much more compared to if you are filling your time with activities that don't align with your core values. 

      In class we will also go deep into how admissions officers read applications, and how you can avoid the common mistakes most students make in high school. You'll understand what matters and what doesn't in your college prep. 
    • Phase 2

      Then we transition to phase 2, your impact project. 
      Once you understand your core values, in phase 2 you will identify a problem in your community that violates your core values, that you want to begin working to solve.

      Most teens care about making a difference, but before joining the Ivy League Challenge, they often ask themselves questions like "who am I to solve this problem-- I'll work on that later in life, when I'm qualified..." 

      In Phase 2 you'll discover that the best way to become qualified to solve problems is to begin working to solve them. Of course, we'll learn how to approach problems as an investigative journalist-- to ask valuable questions--, and Steve will take the class through the 9 different frameworks of problem-solving from design thinking. We will explore many, many examples of different types of effective impact projects, and we'll learn about how to start small so that you can focus on building momentum rather than get overwhelmed by trying to take on too much too fast.
      Phase 2 is also where you will be able to match with a teen mentor-- someone who has already executed an impact project and who can mentor you through your project.

      Later, if you choose, you can come back and mentor others through the Global Impact Council-- the mentoring organization where teens empower teens to change the world. 
    • Phase 3

      In Phase 3, we learn more about how to prepare now for future college admissions. We will learn about major mistakes students make with their college essays, and what to do instead.

      You will receive your own essay guide and journal, so you can record potential essay moments as they come (future you will thank you for getting started and saving time). You will also learn how to find a college that is a good fit for you. How to find professors or other experts who are researching the same problem you are working to solve, so that you can collaborate and support their academic research.

      You will receive email templates and scripts that actually work to contact and connect with professors for research. You will learn how to find your future admissions officers at the colleges you care about. Even more exciting, you'll learn how to build a relationship with each of them. When your application arrives on campus, your admissions officer will be excited to see it, because they already know your name, your impact project, and they even know a bit about your core values. They will be excited to see your application! 
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