Activities that Stand Out  


Clarify the activities that help you (or your teen) stand out vs. those that will waste time!


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   "Am I doing enough to get in?"

This is a common question students ask. But it's not the right question. 
You may feel like admissions officers at the most selective schools are looking for the smartest, the hardest working, or the most qualified candidates to admit into next year's freshman class. 
While colleges will insist that you meet or exceed their academic standards by getting great grades in tough classes, the last thing they want is 2000 clones of the same type of person. 
And when it comes to communicating what kind of person you would be on campus, showing is better than telling. 
And when you only have 24 hours each day, you need to think carefully about how you spend your time. Some activities waste your time and exhaust you, while others build your profile and energize you. 
Learn how to tell the difference in this masterclass.


  • Which activities are valuable (and which are not) so you can stop wasting time.
  • Why the activities you enjoy doing are more likely to help you get into college than the activities you think are “impressive”
  • How to see your future college application through the eyes of an admissions officer.
       And so much more.

Learn how to apply what you just learned to your personal profile strategy.



"Too many people are overwhelmed, stressed out, and frustrated about college admissions prep. I created this podcast to help you build a standout college profile and boost your confidence. Enjoy!"

– Steve Gardner, Founder

Listen to my podcast

Enjoy another masterclass.

How to Make the Most of This Summer Masterclass

With hundreds of thousands of high school students take roughly the same classes and tests, SUMMERS become a very important opportunity for differentiation.
But what is the best use of THIS summer for your teen?

Watch the Masterclass

Build Your Teen's Confidence

Learn the two types of confidence and how to build your (or your teen's) confidence as you support them. 

Watch the Masterclass

Success Architecture 

Why do some people seem to be able to do everything right, while others struggle. How do you become the person you want to be?  

Watch the Masterclass

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